Saturday, January 12, 2008

[Insert wittily ironic title here]

Well, seeing as how this is my first post, I guess I'll go ahead and try to give you (whoever you may or may not be) some sense of why I am writing this self-serving little blog.

a)I love attention. Like, a lot. And I hope to garner some attention from people. Which would be good, because, you know...I love attention and all.

b)I need a reason to write. Did I not mention that that is mostly what this blog will be? Oh. Well, I will now. This is a writing blog, dedicated to my personal fiction and all of the glory and wonder contained therein. I'll be posting links to bits of fiction, and discussing my thought processes behind the pieces, inviting (foolishly, I feel) criticism, and posting some random ramblings and personal anecdotes while at it. And, as I've recently discovered, without a reason to write, I simply. Won't. Write. Which is a problem. And having people read my fiction keeps me accountable. And starting sentences with "And" is a lot of fun, my English teachers be damned.

c)When people I haven't seen in a while ask how I've been, I want to be able to answer "Read about it in my blog" with condescension rather than irony.


Amy Laurens said...

Hoorah for condescension! ;)

*attention attention attention*

Anyway, nice to have somewhere where I can poke you to do stuff. Though reading your post I feel the need to make you aware... Anything you post on here writing-wise (well, non-writing-wise as well, but I suspect you're less interested in publishing your blog entries!) counts as first publishing rights, something which a lot of publishers get narky about if you can't sell to them...

Anyway, looking forward to reading about your escapades :)

Ashtah said...

Followed the link from ink-fever... Will be dropping by again to see how you're going! Good luck with the incentive thing!